Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Purpose of the Novel
I'm shocked that no one has posted anything here yet. So I guess I'll get it going. Of the four possible choices I definitely agree with number four (4) the most. I don't think this novel is very realistic. All the details about the murder are just too coincidental/perfect for it to be possible. Especially that he never actually gets caught even though everyone is on to him. I agree that this novel is symbolic of "man" in general. It captures the essence of man on a number of levels. Firstly, we have the progression of ideas that has occurred throughout time as it relates to the perspective on life. All of the philosophies that we studied in class that arise in the text have at one point been considered realistic possibilities and considered as fact. Overall, in the way that these ideas are introduced they are not necessarily judged but rather explained. These explanations are conveyed through character dialogue and action and serve to weigh their pros and cons rather than to show their effects.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Crime & Punishment
So, i know we aren't supposed to blog so i doubt anyone will look here but i had some questions/wonderings on the reading.... First of all something i noticed is that Dostoy keeps on using the word "latter" even when there arent two things being mentioned or at least when there is no need for clarification. So im not sure if this is to reference again the dualities and whatever like Raskolnikovs inner struggle or if its just a russian literature thing. Something else that bothered me a lot is that there wasnt really a transition into the new landlady, like i know everyone hated the first one but we as the reader didnt really get an introduction to the new one other than in Raskolnikovs delirious state. Another thing that i really was semi-confused about was Razumikhin's unbelieveable willingness to help Raskolnikov, like i get that he is lonely but isnt that a bit much? It seems like Raskolnikov has a lot of people on his side even after he has committed an act of murder (which i dont look down on him for) but i think it is beginning to mess with his conscience.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Crime and Punishment
I always find writing the opening sentence for these blog posts annoying, so I'll just jump straight into my review of C&P through an existential lens.
The two main characters of the first two chapters, Raskalnikov and Marmeladov, are searching for meaning in their lives. Both are muddling around and acting in somewhat strange manners. Marmeladov is quite drunk and trying to find pity despite having performed actions that he himself views as inexcusable. Raskalnikov is wandering around, planning something, and reviewing himself. He is constantly analyzing what is going on around him and inside his head, but this analysis is somewhat disconnected from his actions. Basically, both men are unsure what to do with their lives and are mentally and metaphorically lost without some purpose in their lives. So my question is, will either of them find their purpose? (Does anyone else think of Avenue Q when reading that sentence?) Or will they be lost forever?
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